Day: July 10, 2019

My Dog Eats Everything

My Dog Eats Everything

Dear Cesar, I have a 1-year-old pitbull named Raven. I have followed your methods since day one, and she is well-behaved dog and an awesome ambassador for her breed. But, there’s one problem we are unable to overcome: food obsession. Raven is walked and or biked twice a day. She’s a low-medium energy dog. I […]

When Dogs Play Too Rough

When Dogs Play Too Rough

  Roughhousing is part of the fun of being a dog. Playing is a way for dogs to explore their world and to socialize with other animals and people. It is completely normal, safe, and healthy in most cases, but it can become dangerous if it goes too far. Dogs may play-bite, lunge, swipe, and […]

Protect Your Dog From Wild Animals

Protect Your Dog From Wild Animals a wolf stands ready to attack

No matter what part of the country you live in, wild or feral animals pose a serious risk to dogs and other domesticated animals. The specific wild animals you might encounter will depend on your region and whether you’re living in a rural area or a city, but some of the most common culprits include […]