
spay and neuter world of difference - cesar’s way
All About Dogs

How to Approach a Fearful Dog

Approaching a fearful canine can be an intimidating experience for both you and the dog. Whether it’s your own pup that is fearful or a dog you just met in the neighborhood, approaching a fearful dog requires attentive awareness and an understanding of the dog’s behavior. If you’re unsure how to approach a fearful dog, you have come to the right place. Today, we’ll cover the details on how to help a fearful dog gain trust in you and how to stay safe in the process. We’ll also share a helpful video from Cesar that explains how to approach a

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a dog is timid and fearful even in her own surroundings
All About Dogs

Persistent Dog Anxiety And Fear

Cesar, I have a two-year-old Pomeranian who is afraid of everything; and so worried about things falling on him.  Although since I’ve had him (about one year), nothing has fallen on him.  He even approaches his food dish as if a snake will attack at any minute. Drinking water is the same, he is always prepared to run away. I have tried to show calm and assertive direction and a matter-of-fact attitude. Is there anything more I can do? Alice Jackson Read Cesar’s Advice Below Dear Alice, This sounds like a self-esteem problem, so you must approach it delicately. We want

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A dog watched fireworks.
Afraid of Fireworks

Keeping Your Dog Safe When The Fireworks Start

Some dogs have no problem with the sight and sound of fireworks if they’ve been desensitized — hunting dogs, for example, grow used to the sounds and smells of hunting rifles and gun powder. Most dogs, however, are not used to these things, so the Fourth of July can be a particularly stressful holiday for dogs and their humans alike. More pets run away on the Fourth of July than any other day, so you should take extra steps to ensure their safety. Keep a keen eye on your dog during the commotion, and make sure your pet is wearing

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two dogs fighting
Aggressive Dogs

The Rundown On Aggression

By Cesar Millan When people ask me for help with their dogs, I ask them to tell me what they think the problem is. Quite often, they immediately diagnose aggression. “My dog is aggressive on the walk.” “My dog is aggressive around food.” “My dog is aggressive all the time.” In fact, in a recent Facebook survey of my fans, when we asked you to pick the single most serious problem you have with your dogs, aggression was the number one choice. However, more often than not, the dog is not aggressive. It is curious and excited on the walk,

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dog sits under unbrella during rainstorm
Afraid of Fireworks

Weathering The Storm

Perhaps you know the drill: A flash of lightning, a clap of thunder, and your normally calm dog is off whining and wildly searching for a hiding place. Animal behaviorists call this reaction “storm anxiety” or “noise phobia.” And while it’s pretty common in dogs, it’s hardly easy to watch — or cure. But don’t ignore it, advises Matt Peuser, a Kansas veterinarian, explaining “Most of the time, they don’t grow out of it on their own, and many will get worse with time if nothing is done.” Yet many owners are stumped about how to address the behavior. One

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A dog hides under a chair when the phone rings.
All About Dogs

Dog Afraid Of Telephone And Other Devices

Hello Mr. Millan, We have four dogs, no real behavior issues other than the smallest one has become very afraid of telephones. It started with cell phones, but now he runs outside if you so much as pick up a phone (we have a dog door and a pen), and it takes much coaxing to get him to come inside, even though our weather here has been in the 20s and he has little fur. He will lay in the snow shivering. What can we do to get him past this? He is afraid of other things (vacuum, hairdryer, cameras,

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