Dog Psychology

A dog walker takes a break to work on obedience training with his three clients. He carried a dog walking bag that holds necessary equipment and emergency information.
All About Dogs

Safety Essentials for Dog Walkers

As a conscientious dog owner, you work hard to fit their daily walks into your schedule. It doesn’t matter if you have to get up early or do it after the sun has gone down because it’s about what’s best for your dogs. This attitude is to be applauded, but don’t forget about safety! A Reliable Leash and Dog Collar You want to ensure the leash and collar are appropriate for the size and strength of your dog. The last thing you want is for him to break free and try to run across a busy street or go after

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A dog is at the dog park with his owner.
Dog Park

Dog Park Etiquette

A local dog park is an excellent place for many reasons; however, not all dogs will thrive in this environment. If you’re planning on bringing your pup with you when visiting friends or going on a hike, then make sure they are socialized at home first! Consider these tips before taking your pet somewhere where there may be other canines without supervision- it’ll save both parties from unwanted interactions later down the line. Common Dog Park Rules Park rules will vary from one place to another. These rules should be posted conspicuously near park entrances; if not, ask about them

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Dog is jealous of new puppy playing with a baby in the house.
Dog Behavior

Do Dogs Get Jealous?

For decades it has been assumed that humans are the only species that experience jealousy and the unique emotion of unfairness, however, a recent study done at the University of California San Diego claims to show that dogs do feel jealousy. The study was performed by having humans engage with three different objects in front of their dogs: a book, a plastic jack-o-lantern, and a realistic looking stuffed dog that moved and made sound. The results show that, when the human was paying attention to the fake dog, their dogs were much more engaged and more likely to show behaviors

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being calm and assertive with a dog | Cesar’s Way
Dog Psychology

How to Be Calm and Assertive With Your Dog

Most dog owners want a calm and assertive dog. But how do you get to that point? It is not something that happens overnight. The key is to keep the right energy with your dog and have them respect you as their leader. In this post, we will discuss how to be calm and assertive with your dog so that training goes more smoothly! Energy Dogs use constant energy to communicate. Energy is what I call beingness; it is who and what you are in every moment. Dogs don’t know each other by name, but by the energy they project

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A dog goes through an exercise obstacle course
All About Dogs

Exercise: Challenge Your Dog Physically

All dogs require exercise to lead balanced, healthy lives. Exercise is Needed Just because a dog is small doesn’t mean he needs less exercise, and, although breed can give an indication of the dog’s energy level, the final judgment must be made on the individual dog’s needs. As your dog’s pack leader, you must help her to expend her energy in a productive way. For all dogs, this means a daily walk. Some dogs may require additional activities, such as running, Frisbee, or swimming, in addition to, but never replacing, the walk. Remember that dogs are animals, and animals need

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Cesar leads a pack of dogs on a walk
All About Dogs

How To Be The Pack Leader

  A dog’s mother begins training puppies from birth. She makes them wait for food; she controls when they play and how far they travel. Adult dogs need these same rules, boundaries, and limitations from you, their pack leader when dog training. Calm and assertive A pack leader doesn’t project emotional or nervous energy, so neither should you. In the wild, the pack leader uses calm-assertive energy to influence how the dog interacts with his surroundings. She enforces these laws in a quiet way, as is the case when a mother picks up a puppy by the scruff of the

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How To Break Up A Dog Fight

Dear Cesar, I have read several articles in our local paper about people witnessing a dog fight and wanting to stop the dog fight but did not know how to stop a dog fight. I am impulsive when it comes to these things and it caused me to ask what is the best thing to do when witnessing a dog fight? Is there a way to break up a dog fight? Should I try to stop a dog fight? I love animals and react without thinking about my safety and have stepped in before when I have seen a dog

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Dog Psychology

Top 5 Dog Walking Problems Solved!

The daily walk is an important part of responsible pack leadership — but for many, it’s also the most stressful. Mastering the walk will not only make this part of your daily routine enjoyable, but also go a long way towards addressing other problem behaviors as well, because it can help your dog to see you as the Pack Leader. Here are some solutions for dealing with dog walking problems. Pulling on the walk This is one of the most common problems faced by Pack Leaders. Some dogs don’t want to walk; they want to run! So let them. Go

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A dog takes a break after walking on a nice spring day.
All About Dogs

10 Of The Smartest Dog Breeds

Pack Leaders always want to believe that their dog is the smartest on the block, and while this may be true, a smart dog can come in many forms. Of course, a smart dog is just potential without a human willing to put in the time and effort to train and channel the dog’s intelligence. While all dogs are trainable, it’s important to understand your dog’s inherent abilities in order to know how to motivate him and bring out his natural intelligence. Here is a List of the 10 Smartest Dog Breeds. Is Your Dog One of Them? Border Collie

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Cesar hugs a dog
Dog Psychology


Mastery is very important when it comes to having balanced packs, particularly mastering the walk and mastering leadership. But what does “mastery” mean? Basically, it means command or grasp of a subject, or the state of being in control. Note, though, that mastery does not mean “being the best.” There are many people with a mastery of chess who could not beat the world champions no matter how hard they tried, although they still know enough about what they’re doing that they could beat a dozen amateurs at the same time. Mastering the walk and leadership just mean that you

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