Month: November 2015

Don’t Walk Away…

Don’t Walk Away…

I’ve written many times about how animals are instinctual, while humans are intellectual and emotional, and how learning to live instinctually can help humans find balance with Nature. However, there’s one way that our separation from animals via intellect and emotion actually makes us better — humans are the only species that will intentionally care […]

Deadly Feast: Protecting Our Dogs At Thanksgiving

Deadly Feast: Protecting Our Dogs At Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is an exciting time to be a dog. There are interesting smells, tons of people to give you attention, and — best of all — the opportunity to snag some delicious table scraps. As Pack Leaders we have to exercise caution, though all table scraps might look delicious to a dog, not all Thanksgiving […]

How to Start a Dog Rescue: Making Your Own Shelter

How to Start a Dog Rescue: Making Your Own Shelter A dog in a shelter waits to be adopted by a new family.

Ready to make a greater difference for dogs in need? Maybe you’re dissatisfied with the shelters currently in your community. Or you’re looking to turn your passion for dogs into a profession. Perhaps you’d just like to do your part and raise awareness for animal advocacy. Whatever the reason, starting a rescue is an honorable […]

Passing Fancy: Controlling Your Dog On The Walk [VIDEO]

Passing Fancy: Controlling Your Dog On The Walk [VIDEO] two people on a walk control their dogs while passing each other

You’ve probably seen or experienced it many times. Two dog-walkers approach each other and, when they try to pass, their dogs go out of control, showing either too much excitement or too much aggression. If doesn’t have to happen like this, though, and only takes a few simple steps to avoid. In the first of […]

Does Your Dog Respect You?

Does Your Dog Respect You?

One of the things that people mention most often when asked about what their dogs give them is “unconditional love.” It seems that, no matter how our dogs are feeling or how we humans are acting, the dog is always there to show its love for us. The more important question to ask, though, is, […]

Tracking Or Exploring?

Tracking Or Exploring? Two dogs explore outside.

Dogs are natural born hunters. It’s how the pack survives: by tracking and then attacking prey. But just because your dog is sniffing around, it doesn’t mean that she’s on the hunt. Of course, the way to tell the difference is entirely in body language and energy. Do you think you can spot the difference […]

5 Comandos Esenciales Que Puedes Enseñar A Tu Perro

5 Comandos Esenciales Que Puedes Enseñar A Tu Perro

Tener un perro entrenado no es lo mismo que tener un perro equilibrado, pero adiestrarlo en comandos básicos de obediencia puede ser útil en la hora de abordar los problemas de comportamiento, que tiene ahora o que podrá desarrollarse en el futuro. Así que, ¿por dónde empezar con el entrenamiento de obediencia canina? Podrías tomar […]

Los 5 Problemas Más Comunes En La Caminata Resueltos

Los 5 Problemas Más Comunes En La Caminata Resueltos

La caminata diaria es una parte importante del liderazgo de manada responsable, pero para muchos, es también la más estresante. Dominar la caminata no sólo hará esta parte de tu rutina diaria agradable, sino que también te ayudará tremendamente en la solución de otros problemas de comportamiento, porque al fin tu perro te verá como […]