Innocuous Behaviors

All About Dogs

What Your Dog Knows About You

Do you ever feel like your dog really knows you — perhaps even better than some of your human family members? You may be surprised by how right you are. In some ways, dogs have an advantage over humans in this regard. Humans can be misled by what we say, which sometimes doesn’t reflect what’s really going on in our minds and hearts. We also have our own complex thoughts and emotions distracting us from really paying attention. Dogs, however, are using more reliable cues to pick up on what we’re really thinking and feeling, and they are often laser-focused

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All About Dogs

How To Calm A Hyper Dog

  If your dog seems hyper, or overly-excited, the problem likely stems from boredom and a lack of stimulation. So in order to address the problem, you have to assess the way you are interacting with your dog and the kind of activity your dog gets on a daily basis. Here are some simple techniques you can try at home to calm your hyperactive dog. Ignore the Hyper Dog Behavior Dogs seek attention from you. By paying attention to the hyper dog during outbursts, you’re reinforcing the very dog problem behavior that you’re trying to eliminate. The next time your

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Dog Behavior

To Cuddle Or Not To Cuddle…

Affectionate, warm, and covered in soft fur, your dog may seem like an attractive bedtime cuddle buddy. If you’ve ever welcomed your pet up onto your bed, you are not alone — not even close. An estimated 79 percent of pet owners share their beds with their pets. As reported by WebMD, a survey from the American Pet Products Association determined that 62 percent of small dogs, 41 percent of medium-sized dogs, and 32 percent of large dogs sleep in their human’s beds. While it is natural for a dog to sleep with his “pack,” that doesn’t mean that people

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All About Dogs

Why Dogs Bury Things

Dogs like to bury things. Sometimes that means finding a bone or a toy under a fresh pile of dirt in your backyard. Other times, it may mean discovering the TV remote at the bottom of the laundry basket under all your dirty clothes, or wondering how your phone got under the couch cushion. Though these things may seem different, they are all really signs of the same thing: your dog’s natural instinct to keep “his” things safe and protected — regardless of whether or not they’re actually his. Why do dogs do this? Short answer: because it used to

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A dog chews at a flea.
Chewing Things Up

Help! My Dog Won’t Stop Chewing On Himself

  It’s perfectly natural and normal for dogs to occasionally chew on their legs, feet, ears, and tails. This behavior is no different than when you scratch an itch — it provides relief. However, if you notice that your dog is constantly chewing herself, it may indicate a deeper problem — particularly if the chewed area has become sore, red, inflamed, or furless. So what is going on? It may be because of one of the following problems: Dry skin Your dog may be biting himself in an attempt to relieve the itchiness of dry skin, which could be caused

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A dog licks her owner.
Dog Behavior

Why Do Dogs Lick And Different Kinds Of Licks

Do you ever ask yourself “Why do dogs lick?” Although licking is a common behavior in dogs, many dog owners don’t fully understand what this manner means. Dog licking may occur when he’s physically hurt himself, when his environment has changed or simply when you offer him affection. But why do dogs lick and what is it that they’re trying to communicate with us? Let’s uncover the truths behind dog licking and what this behavior means. Dogs lick their pack members and themselves for many reasons, and if you want to curb the behavior, it helps to understand its cause.

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Two dogs play with toys outside
All About Dogs

Why Do Dogs Imitate Their Owners And Other Dogs?

Pretty much every Pack Leader has opened a door with their hand and then watched as their dog reached out her paw and attempted to do the same. Likewise, you’ve probably seen your dog watching other dogs, then jump in and engage in the same behavior. Dogs, just like humans, are natural imitators. But why? If you’ve been reading this site or watching Cesar for any length of time, you know that dogs are pack animals. Even though you’ve probably heard that a lot, you might not have thought about how it relates to the way dogs learn and behave.

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Dog demonstrates bad behavior by chewing on a door inside the home

What Are Common Dog Behaviors?

Communication begins with understanding. If you want to build a better relationship with your dog, you can start by working to understand the meaning and causes behind some of her most common dog behaviors. Here is a list of common dog behaviors and what they mean. Some Prevalent Behaviors in Cannines Dog Panting Because dogs sweat through the pads on their feet, most of their body heat is expelled through their mouth when they pant. It’s their primary means of regulating body temperature. Dogs also pant to cope with pain. Dog Barking In nature, dogs bark to raise an alarm

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A happy dog plays catch with his owner
All About Dogs

Why Does My Dog Wag Its Tail?

All animals communicate with energy and body language, and it’s easy to tell just from body language whether they’re fearful or aggressive. But, beyond body language, for many animals there are three important body parts with which they communicate. Animals’ primary methods of communicating are through eye contact, their ear position, and their tails. When an animal is being defensive or aggressive, it will make eye contact to tell whatever it’s facing to back off. When an animal is alert to danger, its ears will stand straight up. But the most important thing to watch is the tail. Reason’s Dogs

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A dog sniffs his owners crotch.
All About Dogs

Rude Crotch Sniffer

Dear Cesar, My friend has a dog who is a very rude crotch sniffer. We work together, and she brings her dog to work every day. She doesn’t do it to me, but our clients sometimes get the business end of her nose. I usually catch her before she goes for it, but her owner can’t always get there in time. She says, “That’s what dogs do!” And, “Cesar says you should let them sniff you.” I say, “Cesar wouldn’t approve!” What do you think? Sylvia Tucson, Arizona   Cesar Millan’s answer:   Dear Sylvia, I do agree that, to

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