Food Aggression

A dog chews intently on a bone.
All About Dogs

Food Aggression And What To Do About It

When a dog shows aggression to protect his food, it can be a serious issue. Not only is there the danger of other dogs or humans in the house being bitten, but over time it can lead to the dog becoming possessive over everything. What is Food Aggression? Food aggression is a form of resource guarding in which a dog becomes very defensive when eating, using threats to force others away. It can be directed towards other animals, humans, or both. The behavior can also extend to treats. There are three degrees of food aggression: Mild: the dog growls and

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A dog eats his food too quickly.
All About Dogs

Speed Eater

We have had issues with our 7-month old puppy, Philly, and her eating…she always seems nervous when she eats — tail tucked between her legs and she will consume her food very rapidly. She often eats her breakfast and within 10 minutes will throw it all up. We have taken her to our vet and spent a good chunk of change to find out there is nothing wrong as far as they can see. What do we do? Douglas Reed Rockaway, NJ Cesar Millan’s Answer: Hi Douglas, I wonder if Philly came from a large litter. Her eager appetite and

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A dog digs in the trash looking for a snack.
Chewing Inappropriate Objects

Things My Dog Ate

Have you ever found something bizarre in your dog’s droppings or had to rush to the veterinarian because he ingested something that he shouldn’t have? Even the best-trained dogs have had days where they decided to munch on something outrageous. This is such a common problem that there have been entire shows, such as Nat Geo Wild’s “My Dog Ate What!?!”, dedicated to sharing the stories of what dog owners have discovered that their pets swallowed. While we strictly recommend an immediate trip to the vet upon finding out that your pup slurped down anything non-edible or deemed hazardous, we

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All About Dogs

My Dog Eats Everything

Dear Cesar, I have a 1-year-old pitbull named Raven. I have followed your methods since day one, and she is well-behaved dog and an awesome ambassador for her breed. But, there’s one problem we are unable to overcome: food obsession. Raven is walked and or biked twice a day. She’s a low-medium energy dog. I can tucker her out very easily. As far as Discipline goes I use the “touch”, say no, and put the food back (if I can). When I leave the room, I command her to come as well. Raven gets into trouble when no one is

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two dogs fighting
Aggressive Dogs

The Rundown On Aggression

By Cesar Millan When people ask me for help with their dogs, I ask them to tell me what they think the problem is. Quite often, they immediately diagnose aggression. “My dog is aggressive on the walk.” “My dog is aggressive around food.” “My dog is aggressive all the time.” In fact, in a recent Facebook survey of my fans, when we asked you to pick the single most serious problem you have with your dogs, aggression was the number one choice. However, more often than not, the dog is not aggressive. It is curious and excited on the walk,

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a dog waits for his food by staring at his bowl
All About Dogs

The Ritual Of Feeding Your Dog: Make Them Work For It

Domestication has made it possible for dogs to receive their food without having to hunt it down themselves, but it’s still in their nature to feel the need to work for it. Before my dogs eat, I take them for a walk. In this way, I ask my dogs to work for food and water. This is a form of waiting, which is psychological exercise that helps nurture a balanced, happy dog. My Tips for a Healthy Routine The morning routine should look like this: You project calm-assertive energy before you give your dog affection. You walk your dog to

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A dog looks at a bowl of food.
All About Dogs

The Ritual Of Feeding Your Dog: Negative Behaviors

Food carries a powerful message in the dog world. Puppies work for food by waiting patiently for their mother. This is a form of psychological exercise, and it’s important for a healthy state of mind. Domestication has brought about a change in the way dogs receive their meals and in the way they behave before mealtime. Dogs will often become excited, anxious, or aggressive at the prospect of being fed. If you feed your dog when he displays negative behaviors, you are reinforcing the behavior, and it will almost certainly reoccur. I feed many dogs at the same time with

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