
Small dog barks at others on a walk in the grass.

How To Stop Barking

Dogs have a natural need for barking. It is their primary way of communicating after expression and body posture. Dogs will bark as a warning to protect their pack and territory. They will also bark to express excitement. Those forms of barking are rarely a nuisance and don’t last long. That is why nuisance barking almost always has the same cause and the same solution. When a dog barks excessively, it’s telling you that it is bored and is looking for stimulation or a challenge. Pack Leadership Inevitably, excessive barking indicates there is a problem with the human, and not

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Cesar sits outside on a nice day with his dog

What To Do If You’re Bitten By A Dog

Dog bites can happen for a lot of reasons, from a puppy in the teething stage nipping you to an attack by a strange dog on the street. When dealing with dog bites, there are certain steps to take, but what to do depends upon the circumstances and severity of the injury. Here’s our Advice on Dealing with Dog Bites Superficial Wounds If it’s a superficial scrape or gash, clean the wound with running water, and then hydrogen peroxide or isopropyl alcohol. Apply a topical antibiotic and cover with a bandage. Puncture Wounds First of all, don’t be afraid to

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A Jack Russell Terrier puppy bites his owner in a playful manner.

How to Get a Puppy to Stop Biting

Have you been asking the question, “How do you stop a puppy from biting?” While puppy biting is a completely natural behavior during the puppy stage, it is also important to let your pup know what is and isn’t allowed to be chewed on. Puppies begin biting very early on in life. Just like human babies, it is common for them to chew on objects during the teething stage to reduce discomfort. Furthermore, many dogs prefer using their mouths rather than their paws for manipulating objects. Once again, this behavior begins in puppyhood as young pooches start to explore their

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Dog demonstrates bad behavior by chewing on a door inside the home

What Are Common Dog Behaviors?

Communication begins with understanding. If you want to build a better relationship with your dog, you can start by working to understand the meaning and causes behind some of her most common dog behaviors. Here is a list of common dog behaviors and what they mean. Some Prevalent Behaviors in Cannines Dog Panting Because dogs sweat through the pads on their feet, most of their body heat is expelled through their mouth when they pant. It’s their primary means of regulating body temperature. Dogs also pant to cope with pain. Dog Barking In nature, dogs bark to raise an alarm

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My Dog Bit Me — Now What?

  No matter how close you are to your dogs, sometimes the unexpected can happen and your dog bites you. So now what? The first step, of course, is to stay calm. This isn’t the end of your relationship and doesn’t mean that your dog has turned into an aggressive killer. There are lots of reasons a dog might bite. To find the solution, you first have to figure out your cause. If your dog is a puppy and suddenly clamps down on your thumb, don’t worry. All puppies go through this phase, and it’s your perfect opportunity to correct

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a dog receives first aid for an injury
Bites, Wounds, and Cuts

How To Treat Dog Bite Wounds

Bite wounds are a common cause of trauma in dogs and typically result from altercations with other dogs, cats and wildlife. Bite wounds are puncture wounds and while they may appear small they can spell big trouble for your dog. Their deceptive nature lies in the fact that while the external wound can be small, the same wound can be deep, extending through the skin and into the subcutaneous tissues and muscles. There is a high risk of infection with bite wounds because of the numerous bacteria that are normally harbored in an animal’s mouth. Because the surface wound is

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A dog looks sad after being bitten by another dog
Bites, Wounds, and Cuts

Rehabilitating A Dog That’s Been Bitten

It’s probably in every dog lover’s top five nightmare scenarios — your dog is attacked and bitten by another dog, possibly seriously enough to require veterinary care. It can be traumatic for everyone involved, human and dog. So what’s the best way to deal with the situation, when it happens and afterwards? If it hasn’t happened to you yet, the first thing to remember if it does is to stay calm and quiet. Yelling or otherwise panicking will just make it worse because it will fuel the aggression between the dogs. But do try to get the biting dog off

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A puppy bites her owner.

How To Stop A Puppy From Biting And Chewing

Young dogs learn to explore the world with their mouths since they don’t have hands that they can grab things with. Often, this inevitably leads to a puppy nipping or biting at anything that comes near its face, particularly parts of people, as well as to destroying anything around the house it can get its teeth on. While it can be cute when a tiny puppy tries to do it, it’s an important habit to break because nipping and destructive chewing are two the biggest reasons that adult dogs wind up abandoned in shelters once the cute factor wears off.

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Mouthy Mutt: Claiming An Object From A Possessive Dog

  Many dogs can become possessive or even aggressive over a toy or other object.  As a Pack Leader, you need the the ability to claim an object and make your dog give it up. This skill could someday be a lifesaver. So how do you get a large breed to give up possession? The same way you would any other dog! In this episode of “Chance Encounters with Cesar Millan,” Cesar helps an unsuspecting pair in the park learn how to get their German shepherd puppy to relinquish control of a favorite ball.

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All About Dogs

Porque Los Perros Muerden Y Como Corregirlos

Según el departamento de salud del gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos, CDC por sus siglas en inglés, aproximadamente 4.5 millones de personas son mordidas por perros en el país a cada año y una quinta parte de ellos requiere atención médica. Los niños son las víctimas más frecuentes. La mitad de las víctimas de mordedura tienen menos de 13 años de edad. Lo más agravante es que los niños son mucho más propensos a ser gravemente heridos por mordeduras caninas debido a su pequeño tamaño y porque no saben como interactuar con perros. La mayoría de las mordeduras de

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