
a dog out for a walk listens to his owners voice
All About Dogs

How To Get Your Dog To Listen To You

When your dog won’t listen to your commands, it can be frustrating — and it can also be dangerous. After all, this kind of communication can help keep your dog out of trouble, preventing him from running out into a busy street or eating something he shouldn’t. It can also help keep you sane by helping you manage problem behaviors. But it’s not always easy to get to the root of the problem. So where do you start if your dog doesn’t obey — either in specific situations or all of the time? Here are a few problems you may

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A dog trainer works with a group of furry students on basic commands
All About Dogs

5 Essential Dog Commands

Are you looking for the best commands to teach your dog? Although having a trained dog isn’t the same as having a balanced dog, teaching your dog basic dog training commands can be helpful when tackling behavior problems despite whether they are existing ones or those that may develop in the future. So where exactly do you start with teaching your dog commands? While taking a class may be beneficial for you and your pup, there are many dog training commands you can teach your dog right at home. Below, we’ve listed the best list of dog commands you and

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All About Dogs

How To Help Dogs Get Along

  It’s an all-too-familiar scenario. Two humans try to blend their existing packs and wind up with their dogs fighting and creating chaos. It can happen with roommates moving in together, people trying to date, or even when bringing a new dog into an existing pack. It doesn’t have to be this way and, short of having one or more dogs that are red zone cases (which will require a professional trainer’s help), you can take steps to prevent this problem before it happens or solve it if it does. Before the dogs meet One big mistake people make when

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All About Dogs

Tricks For Treats: Training Your Dog With Food

Food is a powerful motivator for dogs — which is why it can often be very effective for obedience training. You are asking your dog to complete what may be a complicated task for her — understand a verbal or visual cue and then perform a desired behavior. This may seem straightforward and simple to you, but dogs don’t communicate this way in nature. By harnessing the power of something that is very primal to them — food — you can make learning the task much easier for them. Here are a few tips for how to approach food-oriented obedience

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All About Dogs

How To Socialize An Adult Dog

Most dog owners know that the best time to socialize their pup is when they are, in fact, a puppy. Dogs are at their most sensitive — and receptive — between three and twelve weeks of age, so the earlier that you can get your dog socialized, the better. After twelve weeks, it can be very difficult to get a puppy to accept anything new or unfamiliar. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to socialize a dog properly within this window. Maybe your dog was very sick as a puppy and your vet recommended that you keep them inside and away

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A dog receives obedience training with a professional
All About Dogs

Finding The Right Dog Obedience Course

The fall can mean back to school for kids as well as dogs. Obedience courses are great for young dogs that need to learn basic commands, manners, and socialization skills. Typically, obedience courses will teach them things like how to sit and lie down, they will learn how to interact with other dogs and people, and they will become better behaved in general. Dogs of all ages are welcome to come, but experts recommend that dogs receive training when they are puppies before they develop bad habits. Most dog obedience classes will meet for about one hour every week for

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A dog tries to sneak food off the table.
All About Dogs

Stopping Your Dog From Stealing Your Food

After enjoying a delicious family dinner, you take your plate to the sink. You turn back to grab the dish of leftovers — and your dog is already standing on the table and chowing down! How did he get so fast? If your dog steals food, it can make you paranoid. You work hard to keep everything out of reach. You make sure to push in the chairs, so she can’t climb up. You hammer the lesson into your kids that they can’t leave food sitting around. But it doesn’t really stop the behavior. And it can be incredibly frustrating.

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Dog Training

Take Your Dog To Work

Recent research seems to confirm what dog owners have known all along — that dogs in the workplace can lower stress and absenteeism while increasing employee productivity. Companies are beginning to take note. The benefits of having dogs at work have become so widespread that, for an increasing number of companies, Take Your Dog to Work Day on June 20 won’t transform many offices so much as it will maintain their status quo — that dogs are welcome all the time. About 1.4 million owners take some 2.3 million dogs to work every day, according to an American Pet Products

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A dog wears glasses.
All About Dogs

How To Bring Out Your Dog’s Inner Genius

How smart is your dog? It’s a question more and more people are asking and trying to answer with things like a DIY dog IQ test. Now, there are even more academic studies of the subject with some universities, like Yale, setting up their own centers for canine cognition. According to the New York Times, people are flocking to them to find out how smart their dogs are. But you don’t need to travel miles to a university lab to help improve your dog’s intelligence. Here are eight simple games you can play to help increase your dog’s smarts, fulfill

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All About Dogs

5 Comandos Esenciales Que Puedes Enseñar A Tu Perro

Tener un perro entrenado no es lo mismo que tener un perro equilibrado, pero adiestrarlo en comandos básicos de obediencia puede ser útil en la hora de abordar los problemas de comportamiento, que tiene ahora o que podrá desarrollarse en el futuro. Así que, ¿por dónde empezar con el entrenamiento de obediencia canina? Podrías tomar una clase, pero no es necesario, tú mismo puedes adiestrar a tu mascota. De hecho, con la actitud correcta, ¡el adiestramiento puede ser un proceso muy divertido para tu perro y para ti! Sienta Este es uno de los comandos de obediencia más fáciles para

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