Separation Anxiety

a sad dog waits at the door for his humans to return.
All About Dogs

Dealing With Dog Separation Anxiety

One of the most common phrases used by owners to describe a dog that appears stressed when the owner leaves home—or just leaves the room—is separation anxiety in dogs. We can define separation anxiety as a dog problem behavior that shows itself through symptoms like excessive salivation, barking, whining, destroying items in the home, scratching at walls, doors and floors, and attempting to escape from the crate, or room. Simulated vs. True Dog Separation Anxiety There is true separation anxiety, and there is simulated separation anxiety, in which the dog behavior appears to be separation anxiety but it is, in

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Cesar Millan

Is Your Dog Addicted To You?

Like dogs, humans can experience separation anxiety, although usually for rational reasons. People generally don’t feel anxiety because their spouse went to work or their kid went to school. But it’s normal to feel it if your spouse works as a firefighter, or it’s your kid’s first day at a new school; worse if your kid is a teen who just got their license. The Power Of Love There is one irrational reason humans will have separation anxiety, though. That happens when we fall in love. When the object of our affections isn’t around, nothing feels right in the world.

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Dog demonstrates bad behavior by chewing on a door inside the home

What Are Common Dog Behaviors?

Communication begins with understanding. If you want to build a better relationship with your dog, you can start by working to understand the meaning and causes behind some of her most common dog behaviors. Here is a list of common dog behaviors and what they mean. Some Prevalent Behaviors in Cannines Dog Panting Because dogs sweat through the pads on their feet, most of their body heat is expelled through their mouth when they pant. It’s their primary means of regulating body temperature. Dogs also pant to cope with pain. Dog Barking In nature, dogs bark to raise an alarm

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A dog becomes aggressive when his owner tries to pet him
All About Dogs

Aggressive Dog With Separation Anxiety

Dog with Separation Anxiety Growls at Owner Hi Cesar! My little Frankie is three years old. I have had him since he was born. I have never had a problem with his behavior until the past few months. It seems every time that I leave the house to go to work or go out on the weekends to run errands he gets upset. He does not destroy anything in the house, but when I go over to him to say goodbye and pet him right before I leave the house he growls at me. The first time it happened I

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Cesar Millan

Your Dog Has A Secret

I hate to break it to you, but your dog is an addict. She may appear absolutely normal and function perfectly well, probably follows commands (usually), and plays nicely with others at the dog park. But if she doesn’t get her fix regularly, it can make her a little crazy. What is Your Dog Addicted To? If this description seems harsh, then it’s because humans tend to associate the word “addict” with the word “drugs,” and you probably have an image in your mind to go with it — some disreputable looking person, dressed shabbily, lying in an alley with

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Cesar Millan works on training with a dog.

Winding Up

One of the issues I get asked about the most is separation anxiety. It most often shows up as a dog being either destructive or excitable while the humans are away — or sometimes even while one human is away even if the rest of the pack is there. The best solution to separation anxiety is to never cause your dog to develop it in the first place, of course, but it can be fixed if you’re willing to understand how you created the problem, and then have the patience to take the steps necessary to undo it. What’s happening

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A dog looks out the window waiting for his owner to return

6 Tips To Help Dog Separation Anxiety

By Cesar Millan You come home from a long day at work to a spinning, jumping whirlwind of energy. Your dog follows you into your living room, where you find that he has chewed on your favorite pair of shoes. Your neighbor comes by to tell you that, once again, your dog has been driving the neighborhood crazy by howling and barking while you were away. Is this scenario familiar? Your dog may be suffering from dog separation anxiety. In nature, dogs are almost never away from their pack. It is our job to help make this unnatural situation less

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woman holding her dog Cesar's Way
All About Dogs

Avoiding Back To School Doggie Blues

As September approaches again, that means it’s back to school time for many households. With all the hustle and bustle of getting the kids ready and off for school, it can be easy to forget the dog. While back to school is usually an exciting, fun time for the humans in the home, for your dog it can mean loneliness and boredom. All summer long, there was most likely someone home with your dog — the older students on break, or little ones with a babysitter. Now that everyone is back to their fall schedules, your dog may feel neglected

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You may have heard of the “placebo effect.” This is a phenomenon that happens when people take harmless or inactive substances, like sugar pills, with the belief that they are medicine, and then their body reacts as if they had taken an actual drug. The Scoop on Placebo It’s most used in clinical trials of new medications, typically with half the people getting the test drug and half getting placebos. Ideally, neither the patients nor the doctors running the trial know which is which until researchers look at the data after the fact. The whole point of this is to

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