How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep For You And Your Dog

A dog thinks he is sleeping in his owner's bed.

Dog keeping you from a good night’s sleep? With just a few easy pointers, you can ensure that both you and your dog get all the rest you need.

Tips for A Good Night’s Sleep

Set Up a Space for Sleeping

With a new puppy, it is very important to establish a set sleeping place for him on the very first night. This can include a kennel or a crate if using it for training.Be sure to line the kennel or crate with newspaper in case of any night time accidents.Have an elevated area at the back of the sleep area, possibly a dog bed or pillow, so your dog is not sleeping in its own waste.

Let Your Dog “Find” His Sleeping Space

It is important that you choose the place for your dog to sleep, but you need to train him to go to this area at will. Lead him with a treat to connect a positive reward with his sleeping area. Never pick up your dog and place him in his sleep area, or he will associate being there with a negative experience.

Don’t Share Your Bed

Though you may want to share your bed with your new dog, don’t do this right away. It is important to get him used to your sleeping arrangements before allowing him to participate in this intimate connection.If your dog whines or cries during the night, do not react. Cooing or comforting your dog will reinforce his whining and send the signal that your dog can summon you at will.

Invite Your Dog into Your Bedroom

Never allow him to enter your room on his own or crawl onto the bed uninvited. Your dog is not a concierge; wake up on your own terms, and make sure he waits calmly for you to start his structured day.

Plenty of Food and Exercise

If changing your dog’s sleeping arrangements, be sure he has plenty of exercise and food. If your dog is tired out and full, he should adjust fairly easily to a new sleeping place.

Be Comfortable with the Sleeping Arrangements

It’s important that you feel comfortable with your dog’s sleeping arrangements. If you are up all night worrying about your dog, not only will you be tired, the dog will be able to read your negative energy.

With these tips, you should be able to ensure your dog gets all the rest it needs with not as much fuss!

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