Dog Training

Cesar’s Six Audiobook Picks For Your Dog In October

Calmer dogs. Happier dogs. Seriously. You may have heard that Cesar Millan recently teamed up with Audible, the leading provider of spoken word content and audio entertainment, to provide a hand-picked selection of audiobook titles that can help your dog stay calm while you’re away. (If you haven’t heard, you can get the lowdown here, with links to free audiobooks, videos and more.) “My audiobook pick for October,” says Cesar, “is Until Tuesday, a powerful true story about the love between a man and a dog and how they together healed each other’s souls.  It’s told by Captain Luis Montalvan, a

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A New Fix For An Old Problem

I always like it whenever science backs up something that I’ve known for years, and that was why I was very excited this week to start up a new project with the audiobook company Audible. After a study with a hundred dogs, the findings suggest that leaving a virtual companion behind can help dogs remain calm and prevent separation anxiety. I’ve always known the power of the human voice as a calming influence, especially on our dogs — but that’s because, even as a little kid in Mexico in the 1970s, I had audiobooks around. Of course, those audiobooks didn’t

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A dog goes for a ride on a train.
All About Dogs

Dogs In “Training:” Canine Commuters

It would seem like one of the least natural things in the world are human vehicles. After all, we’re the only species (so far) to invent and use the wheel. Surprisingly, though, if we give wild animals running wheels, they will use them. And in a surprising number of cases, dogs have adapted to our vehicles remarkably well. Many dog owners have seen firsthand how going for a ride in the car can be one of the most exciting things for their dogs. After all, that magic box can take them all kinds of places with you — and even

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A dog is on a walk with her owner.
All About Dogs

Are You Walking The Walk?

You may or may not have heard the term “Lassie Effect,” but did you know that it has two meanings? In the older sense, it refers to a particular breed — like a collie — becoming popular because of a film or TV show.  It’s named after that famous television dog Lassie, of course, but the effect has been seen with other breeds. For example, there was a surge in popularity of a certain breed after the film Beverly Hills Chihuahua was released. Walking Is a Positive Effect But there’s another meaning to “Lassie Effect,” that’s becoming more popular, and

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All About Dogs

All Kinds Of Heroes

When I asked Andre for his thoughts on Chicago to write this, the first thing he said was exactly the same as the first thing I thought — “What can I say about Chicago?” Like father, like son, right? And, really, what can you say, other than that it is a totally remarkable place, with many nicknames. The Windy City, the Second City, Chicagoland. It sits on the shores of Lake Michigan, which is the third largest of the Great Lakes and the only one contained entirely within the United States. It’s located in the heart of the country, and

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A dog wears glasses.
All About Dogs

How To Bring Out Your Dog’s Inner Genius

How smart is your dog? It’s a question more and more people are asking and trying to answer with things like a DIY dog IQ test. Now, there are even more academic studies of the subject with some universities, like Yale, setting up their own centers for canine cognition. According to the New York Times, people are flocking to them to find out how smart their dogs are. But you don’t need to travel miles to a university lab to help improve your dog’s intelligence. Here are eight simple games you can play to help increase your dog’s smarts, fulfill

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A puppy bites her owner.

How To Stop A Puppy From Biting And Chewing

Young dogs learn to explore the world with their mouths since they don’t have hands that they can grab things with. Often, this inevitably leads to a puppy nipping or biting at anything that comes near its face, particularly parts of people, as well as to destroying anything around the house it can get its teeth on. While it can be cute when a tiny puppy tries to do it, it’s an important habit to break because nipping and destructive chewing are two the biggest reasons that adult dogs wind up abandoned in shelters once the cute factor wears off.

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A dog hangs out by the Christmas tree.
All About Dogs

Fun Ways To Include Your Dog In Holiday Festivities

While most people may be focused on what gifts to give or how to fit in every holiday party on their schedule, Pack Leaders also have another goal: dog-friendly holidays. Part of this means keeping your dog safe during festivities. The holidays can be perilous for four-legged family members if you’re not careful. Just a few things to watch out for include: cord chewing and tinsel eating, trees and other decorations that can fall, and dangerous reactions to noisemakers. For a more extensive list, check out our story on Holiday survival tips for pets. But the holidays don’t have to

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All About Dogs

5 Comandos Esenciales Que Puedes Enseñar A Tu Perro

Tener un perro entrenado no es lo mismo que tener un perro equilibrado, pero adiestrarlo en comandos básicos de obediencia puede ser útil en la hora de abordar los problemas de comportamiento, que tiene ahora o que podrá desarrollarse en el futuro. Así que, ¿por dónde empezar con el entrenamiento de obediencia canina? Podrías tomar una clase, pero no es necesario, tú mismo puedes adiestrar a tu mascota. De hecho, con la actitud correcta, ¡el adiestramiento puede ser un proceso muy divertido para tu perro y para ti! Sienta Este es uno de los comandos de obediencia más fáciles para

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All About Dogs

Los 5 Problemas Más Comunes En La Caminata Resueltos

La caminata diaria es una parte importante del liderazgo de manada responsable, pero para muchos, es también la más estresante. Dominar la caminata no sólo hará esta parte de tu rutina diaria agradable, sino que también te ayudará tremendamente en la solución de otros problemas de comportamiento, porque al fin tu perro te verá como el Líder de la Manada. Estas son algunas de las soluciones para los problemas más comunes en la caminata: Tirando de la correa Este es probablemente el problema más común que enfrentan los Líderes de la Manada. Algunos perros no quieren caminar, ¡quieren correr! Entonces,

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