Routine Care

All About Dogs

7 Tips For Doggie Dental Care

The Importance of Dog Dental Care The good news for dogs is they’re not as prone to cavities as human beings are. But despite the old conventional wisdom that a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a humans, dogs can still develop problems like tartar and plaque buildup and gingivitis. But it’s not just bad breath and yellow teeth you have to worry about. As with humans, these canine dental problems can actually lead to life-threatening infections and issues including heart, liver, and kidney disease. Not to mention, the cost of dental extractions to remove teeth that are beyond help can

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A dog hides under a blanket because he is in pain.
All About Dogs

Signs And Symptoms That Your Dog Is In Pain

When people are in pain, it’s pretty hard to miss most of the time. We complain about our aching back. We yell out because we’ve stepped on something pointy. We limp because it hurts to put pressure on a leg. We lay down in the middle of the day in complete silence and darkness because we have a migraine. Dogs, unfortunately, aren’t always quite so easy to read. First off, to start with the obvious, they can’t tell us if something hurts because of that whole not-talking thing. And while things like limping or whining every time they put pressure

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All About Dogs

Fear Of Nail Cutting

Dear Cesar, My dog Honey will NOT let us cut her toe nails. She is petrified. How can we do this? She is a therapy dog for elderly people and needs her nails cut on a regular basis. She has some anxiety issues. They arose after her brother Bear passed away this summer. She saw it. Could this have caused her anxiety? Please help us. We need to be able to cut her nails and don’t know what to do. Our vet suggested drugging her. We tried this and she was sooo out of it. Help!!! Sincerely, Janine Thomas –

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a dog gets a relaxing bath to get clean
All About Dogs

How To Get Your Dog To Love Bath Time

If your dog hates bath time, it’s likely you do, too. It may be hard to imagine that you could turn it around and start viewing a bath as a time for bonding instead, but it is possible! The key is to have a strategy for the change. Here Are Some Tips for Developing Your Dog’s Love for Bath Time Take a Nice Long Walk First Many dogs naturally enjoy a dip in the water when they’re feeling hot and exhausted after exercise, so use those natural instincts to your advantage. Also, your dog will have less pent-up energy to

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A German Shepard sits outside after a long walk.
All About Dogs

Dogs Crying: What Does It Mean

At some point you may have looked down at your dog and noticed watery eyes. It’s easy to assume that the dog is crying, but those tears are actually caused by something other than emotions. We know that dogs can sense our emotions, and we know they are capable of grief, but can they cry real, emotional tears? Dogs are compassionate and sensitive animals. When we’re happy, there they are to wag their tails and share the joy. When we’re feeling blue, there they are to offer a warm cuddle and share the sadness. They are our friends, through and

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Dog laying down in bed with you - woman with dog - Cesar’s Way
All About Dogs

Dog Laying Down in Bed With You

Have you ever spent the night tossing and turning, only to look over and find your dog peacefully sleeping on the floor? Although the hard surface may not seem like the ideal spot for a cozy nap, dogs certainly know how to get a blissful sleep. This may have led you to wonder what’s the deal with dog sleeping and how do they do it? If you are like me, you may get up in the middle of the night only to return to your bed to find your pooch snuggled up next to your pillows. This has happened to

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All About Dogs

All About Canine Eye Care

Dogs aren’t quite as dependent on their eyes as we are (nose, eyes, ears, remember?), but their vision is still a major way that dogs interact with the world. As the Pack Leader, you have to pay special attention to your dog’s eyes during her care routine. Four common dog eye problems Eye infections How do dogs get eye infections? Sometimes they just get something in their eye that has bacteria. Other times they may come into contact with another dog that’s infected. Signs of a canine eye infection include excessive crying and whining, light sensitivity, redness, and green or

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All About Dogs

How To Bathe Your Dog

If you watch people bathing dogs in movies and TV shows, most of the time it seems like a joyous, fun-filled time for all involved. Unfortunately, bathing your dog in real life isn’t always such a positive experience. Dogs don’t mind being dirty and stinky — in fact, they like it quite a bit — and many aren’t afraid to put up a fight if they think that it will help them get out of bath time. And while watching a favorite actor run after a dog covered in soap suds may seem hilarious, it’s a lot less fun when

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A dog chews at a flea.
Chewing Things Up

Help! My Dog Won’t Stop Chewing On Himself

  It’s perfectly natural and normal for dogs to occasionally chew on their legs, feet, ears, and tails. This behavior is no different than when you scratch an itch — it provides relief. However, if you notice that your dog is constantly chewing herself, it may indicate a deeper problem — particularly if the chewed area has become sore, red, inflamed, or furless. So what is going on? It may be because of one of the following problems: Dry skin Your dog may be biting himself in an attempt to relieve the itchiness of dry skin, which could be caused

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All About Dogs

How To Clean Dogs’ Ears

  There are three important things that you need to know about dogs’ ears: They’re sensitive, so they need regular maintenance to prevent infections. Dogs don’t want their ears cleaned, so you’re going to have to work with them. If you don’t do it the right way, you can cause serious damage. So how exactly do you go about cleaning your dog’s ears to keep him or her healthy? Make it Positive – Keep the Dog Happy Unless you want a squirmy pooch that makes the process a lot more difficult — and take a lot longer — it’s important

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