Day: August 28, 2019

6 Types Of Working Dogs and Their Specific Jobs

6 Types Of Working Dogs and Their Specific Jobs A dog with glasses, shirt and tiesits in on a meeting

While most of our dogs are spoiled pets that do no work harder than begging for treats, many dogs were originally bred for working. Knowing what your working dog was meant to do can really help you understand its behavior. If you are looking for a new dog, knowing about the breed(s) can help you […]

Inside Your Dog’s Mind: What They Feel For You

Inside Your Dog’s Mind: What They Feel For You A dog looks at his owner

It’s something we dog lovers have likely pondered any number of times when our pet looks at us with those wise, wide eyes: “I wonder what he’s thinking…” Two recent studies are moving us closer than ever to a definitive answer. In a UK study, two researchers at Goldsmiths College in London, Deborah Custance and […]