Day: July 18, 2019

Well Trained But Not Well Behaved

Well Trained But Not Well Behaved a dog sneaks food off the table

A lot of people think that I’m a dog trainer, but that’s not what I do. I’m a dog behaviorist, which means that I rehabilitate dogs, and I train people. It’s an important distinction, and one that can be hard for people to understand. “But Cesar,” people say, “You get the dog to behave. Isn’t […]

How To Help A Dog With Bad Gas

How To Help A Dog With Bad Gas A dog chews on a ball waiting to play fetch.

Does your dog suffer from a bad case of gas? Any pet owner knows that dog farts are not pleasant for anyone in the house. Your nose isn’t happy, your guests are wondering what that smell is, and clearly your dog’s tummy isn’t feeling its best. If you are wondering what to do when your […]