Day: July 12, 2019

Obsessive Dog Licking

Obsessive Dog Licking

  Dear Cesar, I have a 3-year-old toy Australian shepherd dog named Gina. She is an absolutely wonderful dog with a few challenges, one in particular that I need some advice on… obsessive licking. She is completely obsessed with licking all the time! My dog licks the air, your arms, your face, in your mouth, […]

Fun Facts About Famous Pit Bulls

Fun Facts About Famous Pit Bulls a pit bull enjoys a lovely walk in the park

Pit bulls have been a big part of the entertainment industry and the lives of celebrity owners. Here are some of our favorite pit bull stars of the movies and TV and some of the celebrities who took them home. Here are Fun Facts About Famous Pit Bulls Pit Bulls on TV, Movies, and Print […]

A Very Special Boy And His Very Special Dog

A Very Special Boy And His Very Special Dog

Owen Howkins and Haatchi both know what it means to be dealt a tough hand. Owen was born with a rare genetic disease called Schwartz-Jampel Syndrome which means his muscles are always tensed. Haatchi, a beautiful Anatolian Shepherd was just ten months old when a barbaric human tied him to a railroad track and left […]